Kimara School project



Few children in rural Tanzania have access to ICT which increases the rural-urban divide within the country. Thadei Msumanje managed to address this through the support of Reach for change ( ,now  throgh TAREO we  want to address the similar  problem by replicating  our model to UBUNGO DISTRICT (old- Kinondoni district) by bringing ICT to children in the rural communities- SARANGA KIDS AND YOUTH TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL will integrate the ICT learning with other learning structures such as kindergartens to make sure that the benefits of ICT for learning processes are available to children in Tanzania


SARANGA KIDS AND YOUTH TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL  aims at solving the problems hidden by the fact that rural children, orphans,youths  and vulnerable children are invisible. Yet by the very nature of their situation, they are included among those that are classified as disadvantaged and poor in rural Tanzania.

Even though SARANGA Ward is part of the Dar Es Salaam region the famous and old administrative city in Tanzania yet there is a high tendency of  focusing  on adult-related poverty while child problems are ignored, partly because children have little power and influence within a group that contains adults








Even though the school has no building but the children use the small room designed as the  shop  and sometime hire the hall to use as the class. Since 2016  about 120 children have enrolled and completed kindergarten and pre-primary school as now they are in primary schools  (They are among of the best students in schools).

In 2018 we have enrolled 26  children  to start our new Technology school but the actual demand was 80 children.We don’t manage enrolling all children as our infrastructure and building s don’t comply with educational sector regulations and requirements at the same time we luck safe  buildings,children play ground and water facilities . Our model is to use the facilities and ICT after children class to help youths and girls in ICT and skills development hence we have enrolled more than  20 youths who also using few laptos and TV in learning.

For us, the human rights of a child are non-negotiable.Driven by our ethos of “What’s Right for the Child” (TAREO), we place the human rights of a child at a premium. The right to trust, the right to gain respect, and the right to live in an abuse-free world is what shapes our fundamental cult and ethos.


Working with stakeholders,donors and educational support partners, TAREO believe that there is still a room for improving the school and youth center.

We would like to ask partners and others heart willing organization to partner with  TAREO to develop the solution for the following challenges

  1. Delivery of quality education in the center as it  has been a challenge.
  2. Highly inadequate physical infrastructure especially in this highly populated areas (we have the plot ready for building the school)
  3. High pupil-teacher ratios
  4. Inequality in access to education
  5. Inadequate expenditure on “Learning through ICT education”
  6. make the school independent than depending on TAREO and community.

Inadequate physical infrastructure

Through scaling our model only 25000 USD  can make huge impacts for more than 50,000 populations within the area .MAJENGO model will turn to KIMARA once we have 2 class rooms,solar power,water and sanitation,computers ,teaching and learning facilities.The current situation to carry out daily lessons under open spaces, very crowded  rooms and sometime under the trees, on verandas, open space among other places because we have no classroom facilities.

Our children who study under trees are forced to close lessons for the day at the slightest indication of rain no matter the time of day this occurs. This obviously has adverse effects on the quality of teaching and learning and subsequently on education delivery. Children and youths are  not   able to complete their syllabus within time in order to join Primary schools despite of their ages .

Our focus is to ensure quality educational to all ,eliminate school dropout, and poor performances after early education and this could be archived once we have adequate infrastructure and girls hostel in future.

“Change your perspective. Instead of considering them as a project to help, view them as people to love and support”

.Education is a proven ladder out of poverty, and starting early is key. TAREO works with communities,friends  and parents to help children and youths  become our child’s first and best teacher through “LEARNING THROUGH ICT FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTHS” !!! Please join and support us-You can volunteers,donates and sponsors in any way you like : Please contact us